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Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser 150ml, Single - Oil Control, Deep Cleansing, Skin Refreshening by COSRX: Beauty
Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser 150ml, Single - Oil Control, Deep Cleansing, Skin Refreshening by COSRX: Beauty
Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser 150ml, Single - Oil Control, Deep Cleansing, Skin Refreshening by COSRX: Beauty
Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser 150ml, Single - Oil Control, Deep Cleansing, Skin Refreshening by COSRX: Beauty
Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser 150ml, Single - Oil Control, Deep Cleansing, Skin Refreshening by COSRX: Beauty
Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser 150ml, Single - Oil Control, Deep Cleansing, Skin Refreshening by COSRX: Beauty
Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser 150ml, Single - Oil Control, Deep Cleansing, Skin Refreshening by COSRX: Beauty
Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser 150ml, Single - Oil Control, Deep Cleansing, Skin Refreshening by COSRX: Beauty
Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser 150ml, Single - Oil Control, Deep Cleansing, Skin Refreshening by COSRX: Beauty

Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser 150ml, Single - Oil Control, Deep Cleansing, Skin Refreshening by COSRX: Beauty

Low Ph Good Morning Gel Cleanser 150ml, Single - Oil Control, Deep Cleansing, Skin Refreshening by COSRX: Beauty

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COSRX Low pH Good Morning Cleansing Milk has a pH of 5.0-6.0, which contains tea tree oil and natural BHA, which can reduce pore size and improve skin texture.

This safe and mild cleanser is safe for dry and sensitive skin types, leaving daily morning skin care fresh and hydrated.

Its formula also removes cosmetics and other oily residues and has a pH of 5 on the skin

Contains plant-based skin cleansing ingredients, a mild acidic cleanser gently softens and clears the skin.

Gently massage on wet skin with Good Morning Mild Acid Cleanser. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Start your morning fresh every day

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