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8x10w RGBW Mini LED Beam Moving Head Spider Light
8x10w RGBW Mini LED Beam Moving Head Spider Light
8x10w RGBW Mini LED Beam Moving Head Spider Light
8x10w RGBW Mini LED Beam Moving Head Spider Light
8x10w RGBW Mini LED Beam Moving Head Spider Light

8x10w RGBW Mini LED Beam Moving Head Spider Light

Min. order: 1 pieces
25-99 pieces
≥ 100 pieces

8x10w RGBW Mini LED Beam Moving Head Spider Light

Stick Amazon or Walmart labels

  • It's a double - row scanning beam light,There are four corresponding beams,total eight beam light,It can be parallel, it can cross, Like eight swords
  • You can control by dmx console, or by sound, but I prefer by auto
  • Small size, light weight,You can hang it, or make it stand up, or lay it flat,It can surprise you from any Angle
  • It has 2pcs red beam,2pcs green beam,2pcs bule beam,2pcs white beam,It has a tracking effect,Like a sword dancing
  • 2 rows of bar can rotate at 135 degrees, It opens and closes like a clam shell


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