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Gurit Lazy Cloth Art Lunch Break Function Leather Art Single Foot Bath Recliner Light Luxury First-class Cabin Sofa Manicure
Gurit Lazy Cloth Art Lunch Break Function Leather Art Single Foot Bath Recliner Light Luxury First-class Cabin Sofa Manicure
Gurit Lazy Cloth Art Lunch Break Function Leather Art Single Foot Bath Recliner Light Luxury First-class Cabin Sofa Manicure
Gurit Lazy Cloth Art Lunch Break Function Leather Art Single Foot Bath Recliner Light Luxury First-class Cabin Sofa Manicure
Gurit Lazy Cloth Art Lunch Break Function Leather Art Single Foot Bath Recliner Light Luxury First-class Cabin Sofa Manicure
Gurit Lazy Cloth Art Lunch Break Function Leather Art Single Foot Bath Recliner Light Luxury First-class Cabin Sofa Manicure
Gurit Lazy Cloth Art Lunch Break Function Leather Art Single Foot Bath Recliner Light Luxury First-class Cabin Sofa Manicure
Gurit Lazy Cloth Art Lunch Break Function Leather Art Single Foot Bath Recliner Light Luxury First-class Cabin Sofa Manicure

Gurit Lazy Cloth Art Lunch Break Function Leather Art Single Foot Bath Recliner Light Luxury First-class Cabin Sofa Manicure

Min. order: 1 pieces
50-149 pieces
≥ 150 pieces
Amazon price $399.00

Gurit Lazy Cloth Art Lunch Break Function Leather Art Single Foot Bath Recliner Light Luxury First-class Cabin Sofa Manicure

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【Buyer must read】 
1. All goods in this shop are not free shipping. Due to the different distances across the country, the logistics shipping costs are also different. Please consult customer service for specific shipping costs; the prices sold in this shop are ex-factory prices. If you need a VAT invoice, please contact customer service. 
2. Foreign freight is charged according to the actual freight. Our shop promises to never earn a penny from the freight; 
3. Due to technical and light reasons, the product pictures used in this shop do not rule out the color cast phenomenon of the pictures, and everything is subject to the actual product received. 
4. Inspect the goods face to face after receiving the goods. If you have any questions, explain in time and solve them on the spot, saving time and worry. 
5. For companies that need bulk purchase or customization, please contact customer service or telephone consultation. 
6. When local buyers in Anji buy the goods in this store, they must check the goods in front of the delivery staff when they receive the goods. If the goods are defective, they should be returned on the spot, otherwise they will be exchanged and returned after the delivery staff leaves. , You need the buyer to bear the transportation and miscellaneous expenses! 
7. After the foreign buyers purchase the goods in our store, please wait patiently for the receipt, and please check the overall packaging of the goods when picking up the goods. If you find the following situations: the outer packaging is severely deformed, cracked, etc., please open the packaging with the staff of the relevant logistics company to check whether the product is in good condition. If there is any damage, please return it in time and do not sign for it, otherwise the store will not be responsible for various compensation responsibilities. 

Please read the above clauses carefully. If the buyer takes the goods, it will be deemed to have read the above clauses. Any disputes arising from the buyer in the future are subject to the above clauses!



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