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Hand Sanitizer Gel 70% Alcohol 8 Fl oz by TeliaOils No-wash, moisturizing formula (PACK OF 4) : Beauty
Hand Sanitizer Gel 70% Alcohol 8 Fl oz by TeliaOils No-wash, moisturizing formula (PACK OF 4) : Beauty

Hand Sanitizer Gel 70% Alcohol 8 Fl oz by TeliaOils No-wash, moisturizing formula (PACK OF 4) : Beauty

Hand Sanitizer Gel 70% Alcohol 8 Fl oz by TeliaOils No-wash, moisturizing formula (PACK OF 4) : Beauty

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FDA registered products. NDC 73728-700-08

Telioils hand sanitizer makes your hands feel smooth and fresh.

Telioils hand sanitizer is ideal for daily use. Keeping your hands clean is very important to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Instructions for use Apply the required amount of hand sanitizer to the palm of your hand and rub it vigorously until your hands are dry.

No need to rinse with water.

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